UWNNM and LANL's Continued Partnership Empowering Local Nonprofits for 70 years!

In 1954, less than ten years following the opening of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, community leaders including founders of the lab: The United States Atomic Commission, UC Berkeley and the Zia Company, in addition to lab employees and their spouses, came together to create the Community Chest which became the United Way of Northern New Mexico. This trusted partnership, spanning 70 years, remains the backbone of our nonprofit giving in the region.

Both organizations evolved over time, yet at the heart of their partnership has been a strong commitment to the community. This steady yet dynamic relationship is as strong today as it was decades ago, built on a foundation of community-focused action and the "Power of You." Under Triad’s leadership, LANL fosters a deep organizational culture that values community involvement and investment in Northern New Mexico. 

Thanks to the generosity of LANL employees, and the Triad match, LANL contributes funding to support over half of UWNNM Community Action Fund grants. As stewards of community giving, UWNNM invites nonprofits to apply for these grants, prioritizing services that address the community’s most urgent needs. Through a rigorous application process, grants are awarded to organizations with a proven ability to make meaningful impacts for residents of all ages in Los Alamos and Rio Arriba counties. Over the years, these grants have changed the trajectory of many lives by surrounding residents with the basic needs of food, housing, health, and financial stability while providing the positive mentorship they need to thrive and be the best version of themselves. Many of these residents have turned around and given back to the same services that helped them. 

As 2024 comes to a close, and 2025 is on the horizon, we hope that the employees of LANL, along with all our community donors, remember that your one donation when when combined with hundreds of others, creates powerful change, transforming lives—one day, one person, and one family at a time. Together, the Power of You truly becomes the Power of Us, and together, we make a lasting impact. Thanks to LANL, and UWNNM’s continued partnership, the commitment to our community’s well-being will be a focal point for years to come. Our best work is done by you!

Make a difference today! LANL employees can easily give back by accessing the giving portal on the LANL homepage to support United Way Northern New Mexico or another nonprofit close to your heart. Community members, you too can create lasting change—visit unitedwaynnm.org/donate to amplify your impact by supporting many local organizations at once. Together, we can transform lives and build a stronger, more vibrant community!


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