A Letter of Gratitude, Hope, and the Precious Present

As we step into 2025, it’s a time for reflection—a moment to honor the past, embrace the present, and welcome the future with open hearts. It’s easy to get caught up in looking back, whether with joy or sorrow, or to focus ahead with worry or anticipation. But time moves fast—so fast that before we know it, we’re already reaching for Valentine’s Day candy.

Cindy Padilla

For me, the past two years have been filled with profound personal loss. But amidst the grief, I was given a gift—one so powerful that it changed my perspective. It wasn’t a tangible present, but rather a reminder of something we all possess, yet often overlook - the precious moment of now. 

This simple yet profound idea, captured in the book I have found meaningful to me, The Precious Present.  This simple, yet profound story, teaches us that even in difficult times, the present is where we truly live. It’s where we feel, love, grieve, laugh, and give. It’s in the present that we realize we hold the key to our own happiness—and that we have the power to share it with others. And that it is in giving that we find joy.  Winston Churchil is credited with the quote “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”.  

As 2025 blazes ahead, we at United Way Northern New Mexico want to express our deepest gratitude for you—our supporters, our community, our partners in change. Because of you, lives are transformed. You bring hope, joy, and courage to those who need it most. Your gifts truly  make a difference in people's lives, right now.  

Today, we invite you to embrace your precious present. Take a moment, read The Precious Present, and remember: the greatest gift is the here and now. And just as you give to yourself, know that your gifts to UWNNM are changing lives each and every day. Thank you for being part of this journey— United is the Way that we can transform lives. 💙

~Cindy Padilla, Executive Director, United Way Northern New Mexico


TechSource and United Way NNM: A Partnership Powering Community Impact


United Way of Northern New Mexico Awards $462,000 in Nonprofit Grants